
scracth me? think again. (:

Thursday, March 25, 2010


aku penat lah.  kau kate.  

aku diam, aku tak cakap ape2.  

aku sayang kan kau.  kau kate.  

aku angguk, aku tahu tu.  

aku tak nak pergi dari hidup kau.  

aku diam dan bergenang.  aku amek tangan kau, dan genggam.  terima kasih.  aku bisik.

kau diam dan kau titis kan air mata. 

TERIMA KASIH, itu je lah yang aku cakap satu hari tu.

and i guess, its only you.  i've said it before.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

mati kau mati, pergi kau pergi

its been so long, yet too earlier to be said.  hello.  
ok, im down, totally, sebab ape yang aku kenal, ape yang aku tawu.
owhhhh.  lelah aku, hancur aku.  kau tak same lagi.
 untuk sekian kali, aku cube lagi untuk paham kau, cube lagi.
yess, you've been a very bad gal.  a very very bad gal.
but as you said, once you killed a cow, u have to make a burger.  :|
dapat tawu yang kau yang aku kenal dulu dah tak same lagi, sikit sakit.

ini KAU
as you fade with the fact, that you are no longer bloom.
you, use to be the pretty2 gal that i wanted to be, the good one.
and yess, now you are just the same as this dead rose.
haihh, ape boleh aku kate lagi andai kau pilih untuk jadi ini.
aku betul2, betul, betul, harap kau masih same.
ku berdoa ke atas nya, moga kau pulih semula.  
(ciloq sket lyric the times :P)
when there is still times, when there is still days, when there is still weeks.  just realise.  
that  your life and your future is a dream.  
dream of truly good parent, dream of a mother, and a father.

bile kau persoal kan aku, kau boleh, kau tak perlu jadi macam aku.
ok, kau bosan hidup kau ditentukan yaa?  kau tak nak.
aku nak kau tawu, kau mampu jadi ape yang kau nak.
aku tawu kau masih remaje, punye darah mude.
ya, ya, ya.  aku pun mude, bukan kau saje.
eh, tolong lh, tolong diri sendiri bulehh?

you may say that im a total stalker, im a total fucker.
you annoyed by me, or and so, and so.  
but its for your own sake, i love you.  :|
you turn out to be pretty bitch now, you lost your identity.
you turn out to be with a beast now, that not comes in our fairytale stories.
you turn out to be slutty, and yaa!  i adore you!  
HAAHAHAHKH!  should i lough now?
or should i pity you?  ahh, suggestion please?
ermm try, try to look at yourself in the mirror, and guess what you will see?