
scracth me? think again. (:

Monday, July 26, 2010


while.   while.  while.
sickening, tiring.  
i don't really love math. 
it give me wrinkles forehead.
days are pretty boring, maybe its because of the hormones.
i don't really sure, but i feel disgusted.
hey, does anyone realize what is not right?
i just really can't be straight.
i'll swallow it, piece by piece.

its ok too be me, cause you never know.
people, they talk when they like, and they shut when they feel like.
haa, its sickening, but i know things will get better later.
i always know that.  :D

i love u guys.
thanks for being there, its hormones.
yup, that give this unpleasant feeling. 
i'll be okay, i know i always recover.  

Friday, July 23, 2010

manusia bermusim

payah lah aku rase, hidup nie, sume pun bermusim-musim.  
yeaa, macam tu lah manusia.

kau tawu kenape aku bicarekan nie?  
ye lah, sebab aku nampak, aku pun yakin juga dengan ideologi nie.
soal nye, setiap kali ade bah, manusie berubah.
aku bagi contoh mudah ye, soal tudung.
bile datang satu trend, tinggal satu trend.
macam sekarang, ariyani kn.  :D
tu lah, payah sungguh.

ye, memang lah aku tak nafi kan aku pun manusia, aku pun, bermusim.
tapi mungkin musim aku tak cecah tiga atau empat bulan.
aku cume seketike, aku tak same dengan umum.
aku selalu berbeze.

Friday, July 16, 2010

holding on

its almost two weeks now.  
hate to say, but i miss u seremban.

can deny, i laughed alot here, can deny there's so many pretty gals besides.
hey, this post meant to say that i'm strong enough.  kn?
but it sounded like i'm pleasing myself.
its quite a day, its tiring, i'm sickening.
i cant lie, i hate it when it comes.

i hate something not okay with this body.
the pulse rate is lower.  
average should be 60 above i guess, but.
mine is below.  
it reach to 40, and its worrying.

hope i can recover, cause its frightening to feel like dying.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

is not meant to be broken, but i'll say,

owh, suda meninggal kan rumah, mak, boyfie, dan kawan. : D
so not happy.

ok, lets get started.

untuk mak: sorry lh kalau2 cuti yang lalu sangat membebankan.
bagai2 karenah, bagai2 yang tentu hala.
haihh, macam lh budak kecik lagi saye nie kn?
tapi, bersyukur, masih ada yang sabar. : D
mak, dengan ketiadaan saya disisi nie, jgn lh bimbang.
saye akan selalu ade, cume tidak lh kelihatan.
mak, jage lh diri selalu, makan lh dengan lahap nye.
mak, tidur lh dengan cukup nye
mak, bangun lh awal. : P
yang paling terutama pade saye, tentu lh mak.  
i LOVE u mom. : D

untuk abang: cuti ini lelah bukan?
hati aku cukup rase begitu begini.
aku rindu saat aku kecil, kau maen kan muzik, untuk lena ku.
tapi aku suda besar, kau pun semakin dewase.
tidak apa lh, aku masih bisa berdiri tegak lagi.
untuk sebarang keterlanjuran, maaf kn lh.
hati hanya pedih fikir kn aku dimana.  
bialah, aku tak apa-apa.

untuk boyfie: tq.
suda banyak sabar dengan badan yang satu ini.
jangan lh kau bimbang, aku pergi bukan untuk bersuka-suka.
kau jage diri, jage lh aku sekali.
pasti nanti aku nak kn kau kaye dan berumah tangge. : P

untuk sipolan2: rindu pulak rase nye.
cuti nie, aku happy, aku jumpe kau sume. : D
aku tak lh sunyi, sebab kau sume ade.
aku rindu nak tengok bole lh!
kau sume, jage lh diri, kau sume, jangan lh noty.
geli jah ayat aku bah!
nangti cuting kitang jumpang dang gelakng laging.  

so, this semester break is really challenging. HAHHAKH!
i think, i need them, so this post is publised.
everyone, i'm sory if u ever feel dissatisfied with me.  
* Wahh, cm artis. : D